De Anza Life
De Anza Life
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This page reflects what life is like at De Anza College for me...I'll try to keep updating it with more pictures...

To me De Anza college is just like Shawshank except without the bull queers. You get the same kind of workload of a regular college but without the social experience. People go to class and then go home. Not many opportunities to make new friends. It is all a routine just like prison life. There are no parties, no big football games, and youre stuck at home under your parent's rules instead of a nice dorm where you can basically do whatever you want. Here are some other similarities between De Anza College and Shawshank Prison, as well as some similiarities between me and Andy Dufrense.

De Anza
  • People come here if they commit crimes such as high school laziness.
  • I got sentenced to serve two years at De Anza. I want to get paroled after one.
  • Cafeteria with ok food but ridiculous prices.
  • I watch old black and white movies in Film/Cinema History class.
  • Library with old books and without a Hank Williams collection.

  • Anthropology class...100 minutes in the most boring room in the world. Nobody to talk to, blank walls, no windows. Just the most boring lectures I have ever heard.
  • Students use cigarretes as relaxants...but at the same time as something that destroys their lungs, brain, arteries, teeth, breath, etc.
  • I teach Divya how to play chess during our break between morning classes.

  • I send one letter a week to a different friend from college. One day I hope to get a reply...

  • Students get paroled and transfer to 4 year colleges. In the case of one guy I heard of, it took 12 years.

  • Tania tells me, "Hope is a dangerous thing."

  • De Anza life is very lonely.


Shawshank Prison
  • People get sent here if they commited a crime such as theft or murder.
  • Andy got sentenced to two life sentences and escaped from Shawshank after 20 years.
  • Cafeteria with horrible food...but its free
  • Prisoners can enjoy old black and white movies for recreation sometimes
  • Crappy library at first, but after Andy helped renovate it, it turned into the best prison library in the New England area...with an extensive Hank Williams music collection!!
  • Solitary confinement.

  • Prisoners use cigarettes as currency...and for smoking of course.

  • In the movie Andy never got around to teach Red how to play, but they played checkers during their breaks.

  • Andy sent one letter a week to the state senate for prison funds. It took him 6 years to get a response. After that he started sending two letters a week.

  • Prisoners get paroled or sometimes transfered to another prison.

  • Red tells Andy, "Hope is a dangerous thing..."

  • Shawshank life is very lonely...after all it is prison.


Notice the similarity??

Willy and Me

Rock Hard Brian and Div

Brian and Shark...with bad intentions

Other noteable inmates:
  • Valerie
  • A. Kronrod
  • Gary
  • J. Yee
  • Umm...a friend I used to referee with whose name I can never remember.
  • Shefali
  • Big ol' Charles
  • Divya (Paroled)
  • Sebastian
  • Jay

And some other Hyde alumni...mostly trouble makers as I remember....