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Ahead of the Curve
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b0i: you're my inspiration is what i was thinking..cuz you hear about people going to college and coming out worse..i went to college and became better

MoezTavern: but its not just me
MoezTavern: youve had it in ya
MoezTavern: college just brought it out cause youve witnessed probably some of the worst that could happen to a person given freedom for the first time
b0i: well yea
b0i: ive been offered alcohol left and right
b0i: and the cool thing is
b0i: people respect the fact that i dont drink
b0i: and they're always like
b0i: [person's name]...if i see you drinking
b0i: im kicking your ass
MoezTavern: lol
b0i: so its like they got my back
MoezTavern: actually your friends are cool
b0i: my friends are realllly cool
b0i: i mean they drink
b0i: get drunk
b0i: but they have their priorities
b0i: school
b0i: and hw and stuff
b0i: but when tahts done
b0i: they can have fun
b0i: so its cool
MoezTavern: haha that is cool
MoezTavern: although i still will never understand how fun = drunk
MoezTavern: oh well....theyll grow out of it
b0i: they will
MoezTavern: we're just years ahead of the maturity curve
b0i: i think we are chris


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